The reconstruction has given my life more fullness and femininity once again. And I am so happy to have taken this step to finally feel complete and beautiful as a woman again."
Friederike Bienas - Breast Cancer Survivor
Breast reconstruction is optional, but it can give many benefits to the patient, such as regained femininity, mastectomy acceptance and greater well-being (1).
Breast reconstruction is not only the reconstruction of the affected breast, but a step towards “feeling whole again”, gaining a sense of normality, body acceptance and closure. For all these reasons, it should be offered to all breast cancer patients, leaving to them to decide, with all the information at hand, what suits best their needs.
Source: (1) Carr TL, Groot G, Cochran D, Vancoughnett M, Holtslander L. Exploring Women's Support Needs After Breast Reconstruction Surgery: A Qualitative Study. Cancer Nurs. 2019;42(2):E1-E9. doi:10.1097/NCC.0000000000000600